Social media. Some people love it and some people hate it. But the truth is, it works and it’s here to stay. I mean really, one day Facebook will probably rule the world. But until then, there’s lots to learn about social media marketing.
Don’t Be Everywhere
The first thing to remember is you don’t have to be on every single social media network. Focus on where your customers are.
If your target audience is women, you should be looking at Instagram and Pinterest. If it’s professionals, of either sex, head over to LinkedIn.
Don’t know where your ideal customer hangs out? Ask. Ask existing customers, potential customers, or even friends or family who are similar to your ideal customer.
Be Present
You hear a lot about automation these days, and it’s definitely a great tool when it’s appropriate. Social media? Well it’s only sort of appropriate here.
Sure you can automate your posts, but you can’t automate your engagement. Make sure you are making time to be present in your social media profiles. You should be answering questions, commenting on posts, etc. It’s called “Social” media for a reason. Be social.
Provide Value
Make sure to give your audience value in your social media posts. As a business you can’t just post pictures of what you’re eating for lunch that day. You need to be answering a question or solving a problem that your customers are having.
So as much as you want to post that crazy cat video… don’t. Save that for your personal profile.
Ask yourself, what does my customer need that I can help them with, and then post about that. It could be related to current events tied somehow to your product, or it could be a seasonal issue that you can solve. Whatever you do, before you hit “publish” ask how this post helps your customer.
There is so much more to social media marketing, including things like groups, ads, and even remarketing. We’ll dive into those topics another time. Want to make sure you get those posts? Be sure to subscribe to our email list so you get notified.
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